
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Introducing...Sarah's Stamp-of-the-Month Club

Stamp clubs are cropping up all over, and I've been wanting to join the fun.  If you've never heard of them, there are many different kinds of clubs and different ways to run them, but the one I've encountered most often goes something like this:
  • 6 to 10 people commit to purchasing one Stamp set every month, usually between $25-$30, for as many months as there are members in the group. 
  • The members meet monthly to assemble their new set and make cards.  The members take turns hosting the event at their house.  The host also provides a snack and beverage.  The host earns the hostess benefits from any orders placed that month by club members (at least $25 in free merchandise).
  • The club members vote on the set for the following month.
I tried to set up something like this a few years ago, but ran into a few snags.  Some people didn't want to make a 6 month (or more) long committment.  That's understandable.  Many of the people I know are in the military, and that lifestyle can be unpredictable.  Six months from now they could be living in another state, or even another country.  Others were concerned about the financial committment; they just don't extra hobby money every month.  A couple of people didn't like the idea of having to host the event at their house.    Lastly, I had friends and family members that might have joined, but couldn't because they lived too far away. 

I've been thinking about these concerns, and I came up with a great solution.  So without further ado, I unveil my version of the Stamp-of-the-Month Club:
  • No commitments.  Participation is on a month-to-month basis.  If you want to participate any given month, you can, if you don't want to participate that month, you don't have to.  I DO need a certain number of participants in order for someone to get the hostess benefits, which will vary each month depending on the price of the set.
  • You don't have to host anything at your house.  Local participants will meet at my house to assemble their set and make projects using the new set.  I'll provide the snack and drink and I'll clean up the mess.  You just relax and enjoy.
  • You don't have to live nearby in order to participate.  Non-local club members will receive their set by mail.  I'll also include a kit with all the pre-cut paper, ribbon, embellishments, and detailed instructions for making the club projects at home.  You'll just need scissors, ink pads, and glue.
  • All club members will receive an inspiration sheet from me featuring additional projects you can create with your set and I'll be available to answer any questions.
  • Best of all, all those who participate each month will be entered to win the hostess benefits for that month, which will be at least $25 in free Stampin' Up! products.  You can win more than once. 
February's Featured
Stamp-of-the-Month Set

Morning Cup
Item #116988.  It's located on page 54 of the 2011-12 Stampin' Up! Idea Catalog.  The price is $21.95 (plus shipping if you live out of town).  This month I'll need 7 participants.  If you'd like to participate, please leave a comment below or send me an e-mail.  Once I have enough participants, I'll send you a link where you can register for the club and order this month's set.

If you have any suggestions or would like to vote for a stamp set for next month, please add them in the comments below.  Thanks!!

Stampin' Up! © 2012


  1. Hi, I got your name off the SC list and am now following you. I'm #431 and would love it if you would follow me too.

    Good luck with your stamp of the month club! Sounds great.


    1. Thanks Connie! I am following you as well. I love the cards you've posted. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations.

  2. I wish you much success with your club. Sounds like you made it very easy for everyone to participate. I'm a new follower from SC.

    1. Hi Patti, I'm following you now as well. I like your typewriter card and I love your blog name, very clever. Thanks!
